Distortion control with synchronized vacuum heat treatment
Distortion control by innovative heat treating
Distortion of gears and sliding sleeves for truck gear boxes – a systematical analysis of different heat treatment concepts
High temperature vacuum carburizing drives alloy development
Improved materials and enhanced fatigue resistance for gear components
Integrated heat treating
Low distortion heat treatment of transmission components
Low Pressure Carburizing of large transmission parts
Low Pressure Carburizing services for precision parts
Production-integrated vacuum heat heatment systems in the automotive industry
Successful launch of the flexible heat treatment system ModulTherm®
VACUHEAT GmbH – Germany
- Management system as per IAFT 16949 : 2016
- Management System as per DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2015
- Management system as per DIN EN ISO 14001 : 2015
- Management system as per DIN ISO 45001 : 2018
- Energy Management System as per DIN EN ISO 50001 : 2018
ALD Thermal Treatment Inc. – USA
ALD Tratamientos Termicos – Mexico
ALD Thermal Treatment Ltd. – China
VACUHEAT – Germany
Gernal Terms and Conditions
Management Politics